GBKSOFT For Software: The Process of Testing

Successful finalizing and process rapidity of a project depends on how attentively we are during software assessment. Being extremely careful you will even avoid the need for mistakes’ elimination. Testing a software product at different stages of creation is a guarantee of high-quality order fulfillment for any developer.

The lack of proper testing of a software product can cause a wave of negative reviews and subsequently form a negative attitude towards the program. Realizing the importance of software testing, GBKSOFT performs it at all stages of software development. GBKSOFT has modern equipment: phones, smartphones, tablets, mobile and stationary computers running on different system programs. Any product is examined on all devices on which exploitation is assumed.

Test Regular Phases

Testing, in other words, is the process of assessing a system or its elements in order to ascertain whether it fulfills definite requests or not. It performs system operations to detect interstices, bugs, or missing demands, contrary to the actual specification. So, professional testing should go through the following stages:

1. Test design – developing a testing strategy, test plans, documenting test cases.

2. Test cycle running – reasoning of qualifications and code. Programming and running test cases.

3. Improving application examining – conducting research based on the outcomes of testing performed by obtaining information on coverage of initial code or program functionality by test cases. Development of recommendations for testing improvement.

4. Amendment the quality of the SW product – issuing recommendations for improving the software as a whole or with the purpose of conformance with the requests and objectives.

5. Optimization of software testing – development of programs that automatically process source codes and make the necessary conclusions on quality.

Who is Supposed to Verify Software

There are always project stakeholders who evaluate the reliability of those who verify. The software development and assessment are the responsibility of a special group.  It is usually a part of all major IT-firms. Moreover, the Unit Testing program has become very popular among developers. Each specialist performs only those functions, which his specialization corresponds to:

  1. sw tester
  2. sw developer
  3. project manager;
  4. end-user.

Various corporations have different denominations for people who assess software based on their skills and knowledge. It is not possible to run a verification at any time during its cycle. We’ll determine when to start verification and when to end it during the SD Lifecycle.

Time to Start Testing

If there is a need to build error-free SW, then you need to start examining in a timely manner. It will substantially reduce costs and shorten the time. It would be reasonable to keep in mind that SDL testing starts with the query analysis phase and ends after SW deployment. The chosen form of development plays an important role. As we know, formal testing is carried out during the process phase, and the graduation should be performed at the end of each magnification. The application is tested last of all. Checking is carried out in different forms at each stage of the SDL:

  1. during the phase of gathering requirements, their analysis and verification are also considered testing;
  2. on the phase of checking the project design, the design improvement is also considered testing;
  3. testing performed by the developer upon completion of the code is also in the category of testing.

Testing Stop Time

It is hard to determine when to stop assessment as this process is endless and no one can claim the software is a hundred percent tested. The following aspects should be considered as a signal for stopping the testing process:

  1. completion of test case execution;
  2. achievement of the compatibility and code coverage;
  3. the error rate falls below a certain level and no high-priority errors are detected;
  4. management decision.

Website Usability Testing

At this stage, the convenience of the site for a potential user is assessed: the convenience of the elements’ location, ease of perception, ease of navigation and obtaining the necessary information, eventually, the speed of the site. You have to view, get familiarized with the website, evaluate the appearance, whether something causes rejection or questions. If something turned out to be incomprehensible or inconvenient, all such issues are worked out accordingly: a conversation with a developer, an analysis of requirements, presents of bugs.

Checking the Site Functionality

Almost all websites have common functionality. As a rule, it concerns registration, entry-exit, password change, profile, validation of filling forms, search, sending letters through the feedback system, correct operation of interface elements.  Besides, there is such a concept as the click-through rate of all links. They are not supposed to lead to non-existent, dead pages. Clicking on links leading to third-party sites should lead to pages that open in a separate tab. If it’s inside the website, then it is ok to be open in the same tab. While placing on links, the cursor should change. Mind loading of all graphic materials. In their absence, their inscription substitute is recommended.

Software testing is considered a quality control tool. That is, the tester checks the application within the framework of quality control measures, which are part of the complex of works to ensure quality indicators. The manual tester simply simulates the actions of the user’s application manually. In a broad sense, testers are involved in creating software that is useful to users. They control the quality of the applications on which the organization works.